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Drug & Alcohol Addiction

How Hypnotherapy works to help you deal with drug & alcohol addiction


This program is typically 6-8 sessions, comprising a very supportive space for counselling and hypnotherapy.  The bonus of hypnotherapy is that it can quickly and gently go to the causes and resolutions of addiction, whilst also encouraging a deeper sense of life-fulfillment, joy, peace and insight.  


  • Addiction is typically a symptom of a limiting belief, learned behaviour or trigger that can generally be resolved.  

  • Every situation is unique, and every person responds differently.  

  • You can feel totally supported in this program as we focus on finding your unique resolutions.  

  • The underlying causes of addiction are explored and resolved together.  

  • You have the answers deep inside, and it is far more empowering and permanent when you uncover this through your own revelations.

Book a Session
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Note: Please see pricing page for costs.  I do not have Medicare rebate (Mental Health Plan), though I do take Victims Services NSW approved clients.  

For booking enquiries, please email Cindy with any questions you have, as well as very brief answers to these questions:

1. What are you wanting to achieve?
2. Do you have Victims Services NSW approval? 
3. What therapy are you seeking (eg, counselling / hypnotherapy / LBL / PLR / Relaxed birthing program)?
4. Do you want in-person or zoom sessions? (In-person sessions are limited)

(Please take measures to ensure that you feel comfortable and safe with the therapists you choose).

Contact Cindy

Phone: 0417 892 011

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