Cindy Brasen
BA Social Work (University of New England), Dip Clin Hyp
Cindy provides trauma-informed counselling services for children, teenagers and adults at both the Bellingen Youth Hub and at 87 Hyde Street, Bellingen.
Her passion and aim is to assist people in empowering themselves, and rediscovering their own potential, self-worth, happiness, inner strength and self-healing. In order to prove what our minds and bodies are truly capable of, she has used herself as a "guinea pig" for many years, and tested various hypnotherapy-based processes on herself . Her “proof” was most evident when she used hypnosis during the births of both her daughters. Together, she and her partner achieved amazing results
such as natural painless contractions, a beautiful water birth, and healthy, calm babies.
She has also had extraordinary results, using hypnotherapy to overcome personal
physical ailments.
Cindy is:
A registered member of Australian Social Workers Association AASW (Requiring regular supervision and ongoing professional development).
Trained and Certified with The Newton Institute in
Trained and Certified as a Quantum Consciousness facilitator
2022 - Certified Quantum Consciousness facilitator
2013-2017 - Bachelor of Social Work (University of New England, Armidale)
2005 - Solution Focused Counselling certification (Ampersand Australia, Bendigo)
2002 - Certification in Hypno Birthing TM
1999 - EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing),
1998-1999 - Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis (Australian Academy of Hypnotic Science
1997 - Certificate of Hypnotherapy (NSW School of Hypnotic Science)

“We possess
within us a force of
incalculable power, which
if we direct it in a conscious
and wise manner, gives us the
mastery of ourselves and allows
us not only to escape from physical
and mental ills, but also to
live in relative