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Thank-you for your booking request

I’ll be in touch with you on the contact details you’ve provided ASAP.


As well as organising a session time, we’ll talk more about what you’re looking for from your session with me, and what you hope to achieve.


If you'd like to organise a session as soon as possible, don't hesitate to call me on 0417 892 011.


Thank-you for contacting Heart Matters, and I look forward to talking to you.


Kind regards,


Cindy Brasen


Phone 0417 892 011

Book a Session
Please email
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Note: Please see pricing page for costs.  I do not have Medicare rebate (Mental Health Plan), though I do take Victims Services NSW approved clients.  

For booking enquiries, please email Cindy with any questions you have, as well as very brief answers to these questions:

1. What are you wanting to achieve?
2. Do you have Victims Services NSW approval? 
3. What therapy are you seeking (eg, counselling / hypnotherapy / LBL / PLR / Relaxed birthing program)?
4. Do you want in-person or zoom sessions? (In-person sessions are limited)

(Please take measures to ensure that you feel comfortable and safe with the therapists you choose).

Contact Cindy

Phone: 0417 892 011

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